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Why are you a brick and not a cobblestone?

Is this a serious question? Tell me you're not serious. Seriously, are you being fucking serious right now? I really hope for your sake that you're kidding around, because I've never heard such a stupid question in my life. You need a visual, smart guy? Here, look at this image that nobody stole from a web place thing. Just look. LOOK!

You catching on there, Bingo? Three simple words... YOU NEE FORM! Look at sloppy Mister Cobblestone and his jaggy, nasty goodtime buddies up there. All hanging out wherever they want, being all different sizes, chips and crags and god knows what's holding that shit together. To Mr. Cobbers and his supporters I say NOPE!

Now look at those bricks on the other hand! If clean living and a healthy respect for the Law were a surface, it would be sweet, sweet brick. So rigid, so linear, like an army of red soldiers marching in lockstep. But brick is also deceptively elegant, because if you get too close to brick - OUCH! - it's rough, baby. Brick chafes as it supports, and that's the way I like it. Besides, Stone is a stupid name.

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